

今日中文大學舉行賽馬會「高危配偶遺傳病基因篩查」計劃記者會。中文大學 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 的 Facebook 專頁有相關資訊。

Press Conference of our “Jockey Club Genetic Carrier Screening Programme for High Risk Couples”

About the Programme

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the 3-year Jockey Club Genetic Carrier Screening Programme for High Risk Couples commencing in May 2023 is co-organized by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong — Baylor College of Medicine Joint Centre for Medical Genetics (CUHK). It aims to promote public awareness on genetic health, provide free pre-genetic test assessment service to eligible persons before pregnancy and offer genetic tests if appropriate. The genetic tests used in this Programme are Carrier Screening plus Fragile X or ChromoSeq, which can detect a panel of genetic disorders which can be passed on to their babies.


承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的捐助,香港家庭計劃指導會(家計會)與香港中文大學 — 美國貝勒醫學院聯合醫學遺傳學中心(中大)攜手合作,由2023年5月起,推行為期三年的賽馬會「高危配偶遺傳病基因篩查」計劃,提升公眾對遺傳健康的意識,為合資格人士在懷孕前提供免費的基因測試前評估及諮詢服務,並為帶有遺傳病基因高風險的伴侶,提供基因測試。此計劃所提供的基因測試包括攜帶者篩查加上脆性X綜合症 (Fragile X) 或ChromoSeq染色體測序,這些測試能檢測到可遺傳給下一代的多樣遺傳病。

To view more details, visit: https://www.famplan.org.hk/jcgcs/zh/home

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